Watermelon splitting is a game that has been enjoyed at the beach in summer in Japan for centuries.
It is a simple game in which you wear a blindfold and try to split a watermelon.
For those who like Japanese anime or manga, you may already know about it.
I like watermelon splitting myself. It is strangely exciting.
However, these days watermelon splitting is not as popular as it once was. It has become a rarer sight on beaches in Japan. It feels like watermelon splitting is approaching a crisis, so I have a request for you.
Could you please help play your part in the revival of watermelon splitting?
There are a few points to be aware of, so please take note.
First, you should try to choose a watermelon that looks as delicious as possible.
A watermelon with vivid regular stripes and a sheen to it is best.
A stick for splitting watermelons is harder to come by than you’d think. If you find a sturdy looking wooden stick, that’s about right. If a stick is on the shore, be sure to get it quickly before it is carried away by the waves.
In the event you can’t find one, a wooden sword bought as a souvenir should suffice.
Other than that, there are no particular details to worry about. (If you really want more, you could look it up on the internet.)
Dividing up a watermelon that has been busted open is a part of growing up in Japan. Having experienced it yourself, you will not only have a special experience other people don’t, but you will also become a savior of the world of watermelon splitting.

※Don’t forget that it is proper Japanese manners to spread out a plastic sheet beforehand and make sure not to leave any garbage behind.